On 05/29/10 21:24, Carlos Camarao wrote:
The situation is as if we a FD:

Well, that is indeed equivalent here in the second argument of class F, but I constructed the example to show an issue in the class's *first* argument.

Notice you needed to add type-signatures, on the functions you named "g" -- in particular their first arguments -- to make the example work with only FDs?

module C where
   class F a b | a->b where f :: a ->   b
   class O a where o :: a

module P where
   import C; instance F Bool Bool where f = not
   instance O Bool where o = True
   g:: Bool ->  Bool
   g = f
   k = g o

module Q where
   import C
   instance F Int Bool where f = even
   instance O Int where o = 0
   g = f
   k :: Bool
   k = g o

you can inline these "k"-definitions into module Main and it will work (modulo importing C).

module Main where
    import C
    import P
    import Q
    main = do { print (((f :: Bool -> Bool) o) :: Bool);
                print (((f :: Int -> Bool) o) :: Bool) }

These are two different expressions that are being printed, because
" :: Bool -> Bool" is different from " :: Int -> Bool". In my example of using your proposal, one cannot inline in the same way, if I understand correctly (the inlining would cause ambiguity errors -- unless of course the above distinct type-signatures are added).

If your proposal was able to require those -- and only those -- bits of type signatures that were essential to resolve the above ambiguity; for example, the ( :: Int) below,
module Q where
   import C
   instance F Int Bool where f = even
   instance O Int where o = 0
   k = f (o :: Int)
, then I would be fine with your proposal (but then I suspect it would have to be equivalent to FDs -- or in other words, that it's not really practical to change your proposal to have that effect).

I stand by my assertion that "the same expression means different things in two different modules" is undesirable, (and that I suspect but am unsure that this undesirability is named "incoherent instances"). I'm trying to work out whether it's possible to violate the invariants of a Map by using your extension (having it select a different instance in two different places, given the same type).. I think, no it is not possible for Ord or any single-parameter typeclass, though there might be some kind of issues with multi-parameter typeclasses, if the library relies on a FD-style relationship between two class type-parameters and then two someones each add an instance that together violate that implied FD-relationship (which is allowed under your scheme, unlike if there was an actual FD). Er, odd, I need to play with some actual FD code to think about this, but I'm too sleepy / busy packing for a trip.

Did any of the above make sense to you? It's fine if some didn't, type systems are complicated... and please point out if something I said was outright wrong.

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