On 2016-10-12 at 19:09:47 +0200, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
> I was just trying to update the `Haskel 2020` project as it is not in sync
> with the actual pull-requests, bit I can't see a way to do it.  Am I
> missing something, or do I simply not have the required permissions?
> If this is indeed a permissions issue, could someone with access fix it
> (maybe David?).   Probably the easiest would be to create a group with all
> the members and give it access to the repo.

I originally created such groups already,

 - https://github.com/orgs/haskell/teams/core-language-committee
 - https://github.com/orgs/haskell/teams/core-libraries-committee

However, I see now that the core-lang group does not contain all members
it's supposed to contain; I'm specifically missing GitHub user ids for
the following 6 members:

 - Carlos Camarao de Figueiredo
 - Henk-Jan van Tuyl
 - Henrik Nilsson
 - José Manuel Calderón Trilla
 - Jurriaan Hage
 - Mario Blažević

So if you are on of those 6, please let me or David know your GitHub
user id, so we can add you.

If you're *not* on that list, please make sure you can see the core-lang
team URL above, and that it's your GitHub id that is listed for the
Github team (and if not, please let us know too!).

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