Yes, I have. I was able to build the same project on OSX, so it seems to be 
specific to Windows 7 64-bit so far.

Is there a flag or command I could run to get help diagnose the problem?

On Friday, March 2, 2018 at 2:49:04 PM UTC-6, Christopher Allen wrote:
> Have you tried stack clean or nuking the .stack-work directory and 
> building from that? 
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 4:40 PM, Lance Clark < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Despite having no problem with copying files over to their destinations 
> for 
> > a bunch of other packages, uri-bytestring- fails to have its 
> files 
> > copied over. 
> > 
> > 
> > Honestly, I'm not quite sure where to post to get help for this. Please 
> > direct me elsewhere if this is the wrong place. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > === Output === 
> > 
> > 
> > (Thu 03/01/2018 14:14:32.93) λ stack build 
> > Cabal- using precompiled package 
> > base-compat-0.9.3: using precompiled package 
> > byteorder-1.0.4: download 
> > appar-0.1.4: download 
> > basement-0.0.4: download 
> > base64-bytestring- download 
> > byteorder-1.0.4: configure 
> > bytestring-builder- download 
> > cabal-doctest-1.0.6: download 
> > auto-update-0.1.4: download 
> > colour-2.3.4: download 
> > byteorder-1.0.4: build 
> > base64-bytestring- configure 
> > byteorder-1.0.4: copy/register 
> > data-default-class- download 
> > base64-bytestring- build 
> > appar-0.1.4: configure 
> > cabal-doctest-1.0.6: configure 
> > appar-0.1.4: build 
> > base64-bytestring- copy/register 
> > appar-0.1.4: copy/register 
> > dlist- download 
> > cabal-doctest-1.0.6: build 
> > auto-update-0.1.4: configure 
> > easy-file-0.2.1: download 
> > bytestring-builder- configure 
> > auto-update-0.1.4: build 
> > cabal-doctest-1.0.6: copy/register 
> > fail- using precompiled package 
> > bytestring-builder- build 
> > colour-2.3.4: configure 
> > auto-update-0.1.4: copy/register 
> > file-embed- download 
> > bytestring-builder- copy/register 
> > mtl-2.2.1: using precompiled package 
> > colour-2.3.4: build 
> > basement-0.0.4: configure 
> > data-default-class- configure 
> > basement-0.0.4: build 
> > dlist- configure 
> > data-default-class- build 
> > data-default-class- copy/register 
> > network- download 
> > dlist- build 
> > easy-file-0.2.1: configure 
> > colour-2.3.4: copy/register 
> > file-embed- configure 
> > easy-file-0.2.1: build 
> > dlist- copy/register 
> > ansi-terminal- download 
> > old-locale- download 
> > integer-logarithms-1.0.2: configure 
> > file-embed- build 
> > easy-file-0.2.1: copy/register 
> > primitive- download 
> > file-embed- copy/register 
> > integer-logarithms-1.0.2: build 
> > natural-transformation-0.4: configure 
> > random-1.1: using precompiled package 
> > safe-0.3.15: download 
> > network- configure 
> > natural-transformation-0.4: build 
> > integer-logarithms-1.0.2: copy/register 
> > natural-transformation-0.4: copy/register 
> > semigroups-0.18.4: download 
> > split- download 
> > basement-0.0.4: copy/register 
> > foundation-0.0.17: download 
> > network- build 
> > ansi-terminal- configure 
> > ansi-terminal- build 
> > old-locale- configure 
> > primitive- configure 
> > old-locale- build 
> > old-locale- copy/register 
> > safe-0.3.15: configure 
> > primitive- build 
> > stm- download 
> > semigroups-0.18.4: configure 
> > safe-0.3.15: build 
> > split- configure 
> > semigroups-0.18.4: build 
> > semigroups-0.18.4: copy/register 
> > safe-0.3.15: copy/register 
> > stringsearch- download 
> > split- build 
> > foundation-0.0.17: configure 
> > text- using precompiled package 
> > blaze-builder- using precompiled package 
> > blaze-markup- download 
> > ansi-terminal- copy/register 
> > foundation-0.0.17: build 
> > split- copy/register 
> > stm- configure 
> > ansi-wl-pprint- download 
> > cookie-0.4.3: download 
> > primitive- copy/register 
> > stm- build 
> > stringsearch- configure 
> > fast-logger-2.4.11: download 
> > blaze-markup- configure 
> > stringsearch- build 
> > ansi-wl-pprint- configure 
> > blaze-markup- build 
> > stm- copy/register 
> > async- download 
> > ansi-wl-pprint- build 
> > cookie-0.4.3: configure 
> > cookie-0.4.3: build 
> > fast-logger-2.4.11: configure 
> > network- copy/register 
> > ansi-wl-pprint- copy/register 
> > hashable- using precompiled package 
> > iproute-1.7.2: download 
> > cookie-0.4.3: copy/register 
> > fast-logger-2.4.11: build 
> > async- configure 
> > mime-types- download 
> > blaze-markup- copy/register 
> > blaze-html- download 
> > async- build 
> > case-insensitive- configure 
> > stringsearch- copy/register 
> > fast-logger-2.4.11: copy/register 
> > parsec- download 
> > case-insensitive- build 
> > iproute-1.7.2: configure 
> > async- copy/register 
> > psqueues- download 
> > mime-types- configure 
> > iproute-1.7.2: build 
> > case-insensitive- copy/register 
> > http-types-0.9.1: using precompiled package 
> > system-filepath-0.4.14: download 
> > mime-types- build 
> > blaze-html- configure 
> > parsec- configure 
> > blaze-html- build 
> > parsec- build 
> > psqueues- configure 
> > iproute-1.7.2: copy/register 
> > scientific- configure 
> > psqueues- build 
> > mime-types- copy/register 
> > th-lift-0.7.8: download 
> > scientific- build 
> > system-filepath-0.4.14: configure 
> > scientific- copy/register 
> > psqueues- copy/register 
> > attoparsec- download 
> > parsec- copy/register 
> > http2-1.6.3: download 
> > blaze-html- copy/register 
> > time-locale-compat- using precompiled package 
> > transformers-compat- using precompiled package 
> > exceptions-0.8.3: download 
> > th-abstraction- configure 
> > system-filepath-0.4.14: build 
> > th-lift-0.7.8: configure 
> > th-abstraction- build 
> > attoparsec- configure 
> > th-lift-0.7.8: build 
> > th-lift-0.7.8: copy/register 
> > attoparsec- build 
> > network-uri- configure 
> > system-filepath-0.4.14: copy/register 
> > mmorph-1.1.0: using precompiled package 
> > optparse-applicative- download 
> > th-abstraction- copy/register 
> > network-uri- build 
> > exceptions-0.8.3: configure 
> > transformers-base-0.4.4: download 
> > exceptions-0.8.3: build 
> > http2-1.6.3: configure 
> > foundation-0.0.17: copy/register 
> > http2-1.6.3: build 
> > tagged-0.8.5: configure 
> > exceptions-0.8.3: copy/register 
> > network-uri- copy/register 
> > memory-0.14.11: download 
> > typed-process- download 
> > tagged-0.8.5: build 
> > optparse-applicative- configure 
> > unix-compat- download 
> > transformers-base-0.4.4: configure 
> > optparse-applicative- build 
> > tagged-0.8.5: copy/register 
> > unliftio-core- download 
> > transformers-base-0.4.4: build 
> > typed-process- configure 
> > transformers-base-0.4.4: copy/register 
> > typed-process- build 
> > memory-0.14.11: configure 
> > monad-control- download 
> > memory-0.14.11: build 
> > unix-compat- configure 
> > typed-process- copy/register 
> > unordered-containers- using precompiled package 
> > unliftio-core- configure 
> > unix-compat- build 
> > utf8-string- using precompiled package 
> > http-media- download 
> > unliftio-core- build 
> > monad-control- configure 
> > optparse-applicative- copy/register 
> > unliftio-core- copy/register 
> > string-conversions- using precompiled package 
> > monad-control- build 
> > http-media- configure 
> > uuid-types-1.0.3: using precompiled package 
> > vault- download 
> > monad-control- copy/register 
> > http2-1.6.3: copy/register 
> > vault- configure 
> > http-media- build 
> > lifted-base- download 
> > void-0.7.2: download 
> > memory-0.14.11: copy/register 
> > vector- configure 
> > vault- build 
> > cryptonite-0.24: download 
> > unix-compat- copy/register 
> > http-media- copy/register 
> > vector- build 
> > lifted-base- configure 
> > word8-0.1.3: download 
> > zlib- download 
> > vault- copy/register 
> > attoparsec- copy/register 
> > lifted-base- build 
> > void-0.7.2: configure 
> > wai- download 
> > void-0.7.2: build 
> > word8-0.1.3: configure 
> > void-0.7.2: copy/register 
> > http-date- download 
> > lifted-base- copy/register 
> > word8-0.1.3: build 
> > cryptonite-0.24: configure 
> > resourcet-1.1.11: download 
> > word8-0.1.3: copy/register 
> > cryptonite-0.24: build 
> > zlib- configure 
> > wai- configure 
> > zlib- build 
> > attoparsec-iso8601- configure 
> > wai- build 
> > wai- copy/register 
> > http-date- configure 
> > attoparsec-iso8601- build 
> > wai-logger-2.3.1: download 
> > http-date- build 
> > resourcet-1.1.11: configure 
> > attoparsec-iso8601- copy/register 
> > wai-logger-2.3.1: configure 
> > resourcet-1.1.11: build 
> > http-date- copy/register 
> > wai-logger-2.3.1: build 
> > resourcet-1.1.11: copy/register 
> > wai-logger-2.3.1: copy/register 
> > conduit-1.2.13: download 
> > zlib- copy/register 
> > conduit-1.2.13: configure 
> > streaming-commons-0.1.19: download 
> > streaming-commons-0.1.19: configure 
> > conduit-1.2.13: build 
> > streaming-commons-0.1.19: build 
> > conduit-1.2.13: copy/register 
> > streaming-commons-0.1.19: copy/register 
> > conduit-extra- download 
> > conduit-extra- configure 
> > conduit-extra- build 
> > conduit-extra- copy/register 
> > simple-sendfile-0.2.27: download 
> > simple-sendfile-0.2.27: configure 
> > simple-sendfile-0.2.27: build 
> > simple-sendfile-0.2.27: copy/register 
> > warp-3.2.13: download 
> > warp-3.2.13: configure 
> > warp-3.2.13: build 
> > vector- copy/register 
> > th-lift-instances-0.1.11: configure 
> > aeson- download 
> > th-lift-instances-0.1.11: build 
> > aeson- configure 
> > th-lift-instances-0.1.11: copy/register 
> > aeson- build 
> > uri-bytestring- configure 
> > uri-bytestring- build 
> > cryptonite-0.24: copy/register 
> > warp-3.2.13: copy/register 
> > uri-bytestring- copy/register 
> > aeson- copy/register 
> > Progress: 88/94 
> > --  While building custom Setup.hs for package uri-bytestring- 
> using: 
> > 
> > 
> C:\sr\setup-exe-cache\x86_64-windows\Cabal-simple_Z6RU0evB_2.0.1.0_ghc-8.2.2.exe
> > --builddir=.stack-work\dist\5c8418a7 register 
> >     Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 
> >     Logs have been written to: 
> > 
> C:\Users\lance.clark\Projects\haskell\webservice\.stack-work\logs\uri-bytestring-
> > 
> >     Configuring uri-bytestring- 
> >     Preprocessing library for uri-bytestring- 
> >     Building library for uri-bytestring- 
> >     [1 of 5] Compiling URI.ByteString.Types ( 
> src\URI\ByteString\Types.hs, 
> > .stack-work\dist\5c8418a7\build\URI\ByteString\Types.o ) 
> >     [2 of 5] Compiling URI.ByteString.Lens ( src\URI\ByteString\Lens.hs, 
> > .stack-work\dist\5c8418a7\build\URI\ByteString\Lens.o ) 
> >     [3 of 5] Compiling URI.ByteString.Internal ( 
> > src\URI\ByteString\Internal.hs, 
> > .stack-work\dist\5c8418a7\build\URI\ByteString\Internal.o ) 
> >     [4 of 5] Compiling URI.ByteString   ( src\URI\ByteString.hs, 
> > .stack-work\dist\5c8418a7\build\URI\ByteString.o ) 
> >     [5 of 5] Compiling URI.ByteString.QQ ( src\URI\ByteString\QQ.hs, 
> > .stack-work\dist\5c8418a7\build\URI\ByteString\QQ.o ) 
> >     copyFile: permission denied (Access is denied.) 
> > 
> > -- 
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups 
> > "haskell-stack" group. 
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an 
> > email to <javascript:>. 
> > To post to this group, send email to 
> <javascript:>. 
> > To view this discussion on the web visit 
> > 
> > For more options, visit 
> -- 
> Chris Allen 
> Currently working on 

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