Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Mon, 4 Nov 91 17:00:37 GMT

>       Kent Karlsson asks:
> | Which semantics did you use?
> The following seemed sensible to me (Your first choice in each case):

   There was no ranking!
> For p+k patterns: (as in the report):
>          case e0 of {p+k -> e; _ -> e'}
>          = if e0 >= k then let {p = e0-k} in e else e'
> For c*p patterns:
>          case e0 of {c*p -> e; _ -> e'}
>          = if e0 >= 0 && e0 `rem` c == 0
>              then let {p = e0 `div` c} in e
>              else e'
   I had hoped not, since then a match can fail and fail the entier program,
even if a "later" patterns really matches, since in the above the "next"
pattern is not tested upon such a fail.  The ones I had hoped for was
one of the two last alternatives in each case (no ranking claimed among
these alternatives):

         case e0 of {p+k -> e; _ -> e'}
either   = if e0 >= k then case e0-k of {p -> e; _ -> e'} else e'
or       =                 case e0-k of {p -> e; _ -> e'}

         case e0 of {c*p -> e; _ -> e'}
either   = if e0 >= 0 then case e0 `divRem` c of (p, 0) -> e; _ -> e'} else e'
or       =                 case e0 `divRem` c of (p, 0) -> e; _ -> e'}

Here the "ensuing" patterns are given "a chance" to match, even if the
pattern (p) did not match after the subtraction/division.

                        /kent k

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