
Talking to a friend, who is project manager in a software company, about
modules for Haskell, he made two comments that may be of interest to the
current discussion.

(1) With regard to the idea of 99% hand-written interfaces (just mark everthing
    that should go into the interface in a combined interface/implementation
    file) that I proposed and that was supported by Peter, my friend pointed
    out that this could make multiple implementations for one interface a bit
    more labour. You basically have to guarantee that the interfaces extracted
    out of the combined file for version one and version two of the
    implementation are equal, i.e., the interface is duplicated in both

    Still, I find this less onerous than having a separate implementation and
    interface for three reasons: (1) the common case is one implementation for
    one interface (better shift the labour to the occasional case); (2) in the
    Modula-2 style there is also some duplication of code (procedure/function
    signatures); and (3) in the case of two implementations for one interface
    you have to deal with issues of consistency between the versions anyway.

(2) He pointed out that it is desirable to be able to restrict the access to
    some modules in a way that the compiler can control when a group of people
    is working in one module hierarchy. Too illustrate this, assume that we
    classify the modules into different levels of abstraction, say, three

      level 3 modules


      level 2 modules


      level 1 modules

    Now the modules in level 2 may use the modules from level 1; the modules
    from level 3 may use the modules from level 2, but *not* the modules from
    level 1---I think it is clear that such a case is rather frequent. Such
    access control may be easy to achieve when it is possible to deny the
    people working on level 3 the access to the interfaces of level 1 (e.g.,
    don't copy them the interface or use UNIX file permissions). But this may
    often not be possible, for instance because some people are working at
    modules in level 2 and 3. So, we like to have some way to specify that the
    compiler simply does not allow to import (directly) modules from level 1
    within modules from level 3.

    Actually, C++ has a rather ad-hoc solution (are you suprised?) to this
    problem, the `friends'. An object may be friend of another object; then,
    that object can access (private) fields that are not visible to other
    non-friend objects. The problem here is that the object providing some
    service has to specify all its friends, by name. If it is required to add a
    new friend, the used object has to be changed. Consider, in our example
    hierarchy, that you want to split some existing level 2 module into two
    modules; using friends, this requires to change modules in level 1, which
    is obviously bad.

    Now, what about the following idea? Each module is element of a module
    category. Such categories are named and each module states to which
    category it belongs. Furthermore, a module lists all categories of which
    the members may import it. In the example, we have three categories, say,
    Level1, Level2, and Level3. All modules from Level1 allow to be imported
    from Level2, and all modules from Level2 allow to be imported from
    Level3. This pervents imports of modules of category Level1 from modules in
    category Level3, and is easy to check for the compiler. Splitting a module
    does not require any changes in underlying categories.



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