I think that the following points have emerged from the recent discussion 
about the proposed newtype declaration:

1) Pattern matching against strict constructors will result in 
   functions which are strict in the annotated constructor argument. For 

        data T = A !Int

        f :: T -> Bool
        f (A n) = True

   results in f such that

        f (A undefined) = undefined

   This results in a loss of referential transparency because, before we can 
   replace f (A e) by True, we must check that e is not undefined. Of 
   course, a transformation in this direction can only make a program more 
   defined, so perhaps we should be more worried by the fact that it would 
   be unsafe to replace True by f (A e), in general.

2) It would be wrong to define the proposed

        newtype N = B G

   declaration as being equivalent to

        data N = B !G

   because a) it will restrict its use to G such that !G makes sense, and b) 
   programmers will be tripped up by the strict pattern matching semantics 

On reflection, I think I agree with point 2, so if the proposed newtype 
syntax is adopted it will need to be given a semantics independently of 
that of strict constructors, as Simon has described.

On the other hand, it also seems to me that the reason this discussion 
started is that the proposed newtype syntax hijacks the constructor 
syntax for a new purpose: the definition of an isomorphism. Since the 

        newtype N = B G

means "let N be isomorphic to G and let B :: G -> N be one half of the
isomorphism" it is clear that B is not a constructor in the usual sense at
all. In Haskell and its antecedents (though not in the general setting of
term rewriting systems) it is well established that for

        f (B e) = ...

to be legal, B must be a constructor (with the consequence that f is
strict). The proposed newtype syntax is a significant departure from 

Would it really be so inconvenient if pattern matching couldn't be used 
for the iso from G to N? How about a syntax which made both halves of the 
isomorphism explicit?

        newtype in :: N <-> G :: out

The example from the earlier postings would then be rendered as

        newtype in :: Arg <-> Int :: out

        foo :: Arg -> (Int, Arg)
        foo a = (n, in (n + 1)), where n = out a

Implementations would be free to implement in and out as id

        foo a = (n, id (n + 1)), where n = id a

and then magic them away

        foo a = (a, a + 1)

Sebastian Hunt

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