Dear John,
never mind, I have found meanwhile a good (?) hierarchy that does the job.
Perhaps I was too impatient about the learning curve. 
All the examples and also the difficulties with step and apply are overcome.
Since all looks very clear, I hope that I am on the right track.
On weekend, I wanted to try some algorithms at home on the pc.
Since the DOS-gofer had too few cells, I thought of turning to HUGS.
( I retrieved it due to your advice). 
It drove me into the problem with class parameters (see previous mail).
But it is a good way to check whether I am Haskell-conform or not.
So please, do not look into the old code, which I send you earlier.
The class structure is now:
class (Eq a,Ix a) => States a where
 numberofstates :: a->Int -- of course, this does not depend of an a
 list :: a -> [a]

class States a => States0 a where
  neutral :: a -> a 

class States a => StateTran a where  
  trans  :: t -> a -> (StatesMap a) -- give the transformation
  arity  :: t -> a -> Int -- where 0 means: arbitrary 

class (Num a,Ix a) => Grid a where
  dim :: a -> Int

type CellSpace n t a = (n,t,a) -- neighb.,transf. rule, states 
                               -- dimension can be concluded from n

The most important point is, that CellSpace is no class !!
I was surprised when I realized that this is the way to go, but it works.

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