*** You may ignore the rest of this mail if you are NOT involved in ***
*** Teaching Functional Programming in U.K. Universities.          ***

I am planning a comparative study of the Syllabii for First & Second Year 
Degree Functional Programming Courses taught at U.K. Universities. This
investigation is prompted by a desire to find out the parity amongst 
the range of courses that are being offered to students under the general 
title of Functional Programming. 

I am currently the Module Leader for the 205CS module at Coventry University 
which forms the main bulk of Functional Programming taught here to Degree 
students. I would very much like to compare our syllabus with those of other 
similar courses throughout the U.K. My intention is to publish the result 
of this preliminary investigation, and to find out whether more detailed
investigation is warranted.

Please mail me any information you have on this, highlighting, especially

        * Language Used

        * Prerequisites

        * Year of Course

        * Duration (Full/Half Credit)

        * Performance of students

To save you time, any existing documents will do.

Many thanks in advance.

Ananda Amatya (8908)
email to: AnandaA
Tel:      0203 838908
FAX:      0203 221608

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