Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Thu, 16 Jan 92 20:17:50 GMT
Original-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm.  That instance declaration is not illegal as things stand.  Instance
decls must have the form

        instance cxt => C (T u1 ... un) where ...

That is, you can't give an instance decl which gives an instance
of the class over a type variable.  What is gained by such a decl
over using an ordinary function definition?


| From: Satish Thatte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Tue, 14 Jan 92 10:36:28 EST 
| Is the following legal?  It doesn't violate any stated restriction I think.
|       Class Foo a where x::a
|       instance Foo a => Foo a where x = x
| Satish

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