Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Mon, 3 Feb 92 23:25:42 GMT

To all those who may be interested (particularly in Australasia),

We are considering running a workshop on functional programming in July 1992
at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.  The aim is to bring
together a small number of researchers (up to 30) to present papers
(informally, allowing plenty of time for discussion) on the design,
implementation and application of functional programming languages.

We hope this to be the first of a series of workshops to be run yearly within

If you are interested, please reply by email.  To assist with planning, please
indicate your preferences for:

o       dates & duration (preferably during the Australian mid-semester
                          break which I assume is in July)

o       topics covered

o       number of attendees

o       type of accomodation required

o       anything else you can think of (except the venue which is fixed!)

Further announcements will be made as the planning proceeds.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]          Evan Ireland, Department of Computer Science,
 +64-6-3569099 x8541          Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

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