After 3 hours of debugging I finally found it!!
There is a bug in the definition of Complex cos, tan, cosh, and tanh in
the Prelude (just sign flipping error).  They should be as below.

All this work using Standard Math really brings back memories...

        -- Lennart

    cos (x:+y)     =  cos x * cosh y :+ (- sin x * sinh y)
    tan (x:+y)     =  (sinx*coshy:+cosx*sinhy)/(cosx*coshy:+(-sinx*sinhy))
                      where sinx  = sin x
                            cosx  = cos x
                            sinhy = sinh y
                            coshy = cosh y

    cosh (x:+y)    =  cos y * cosh x :+ sin y * sinh x
    tanh (x:+y)    =  (cosy*sinhx:+siny*coshx)/(cosy*coshx:+siny*sinhx)
                      where siny  = sin y
                            cosy  = cos y
                            sinhx = sinh x
                            coshx = cosh x

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