(Copy of recent advert, with appropriate mod's (in []'s) for the net.
I understand Massey PostDoc's are available to anybody EXCEPT Massey

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

"Concurrent Functional Languages"

A position is available in the Department of Computer Science under
the leadership of Dr N. Perry. The fellowship is within a group
working on the design and applications of concurrent
process/object-oriented functional languages. The project involves
practical work in the compiler, concurrent runtime system and/or
garabage collection areas; and theory opportunities in type systems
and program semantics. Primary hardware consists of a powerful
multi-processor shared-memory system [sorry, I can't say the
make/model at present - we're deciding between two but the machine
details are currently non-disclosure.]

The annual emolument payable for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships is
currently NZ$37440pa and the Fellowship is tenable for a maximum
period of two years. Informal enquires may be directed to Dr Perry
[see signature for contact methods, email is probably best/quickest].

Applications, including a full Curriculum Vitae and naming three
referees close with Mrs B. Bretherton, Personel Section, by 31 July
1993 [same address as in signature].
Dr Nigel Perry                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deptartment of Computer Science       Tel:   +64 6 356 9099 x8900
Massey University                     Fax:   +64 6 350 5611 Attn. Dr N. Perry
Palmerston North
New Zealand

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