Phil Writes:

|However, for the extended type system that allows polymorphism in
|recursion, this is no longer the case -- my thanks to Lennart
|Augustsson for pointing this out.  The counter-example (similar
|to one of Mark's) is:
|        g :: a -> Bool
|        g x  =  g [x]
|This function is silly, as it never terminates, but there are less
|silly examples; see below.  Note that the trick for translating
|polymorphic recursion into type classes (as described by Konstantin) no
|longer works here.  The closest one can come is
|        class G a where
|                g :: a -> Bool
|                g x = g [x]
|        instance G Int where
|        instance G [Int] where
|        instance G [[Int]] where
|        ...
|which requires an infinite number of instance declarations.

Can't this be written as follows?

        instance G Int where
        instance (G a) => G [a] where

Now, this is still an infinite number of instances, though not
declarations, so the point still holds that it can't be monomorphized.

Joseph H. Fasel
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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