Nikhil says,

| Thomas Johnsson says:
| >    If I recall correctly, the := to be used in array comprehensions was a
| >    consession to the FORTRAN/Id/Sisal community, so that array comprehensions
| >    would look more like they were used to.
| Both Arvind and I think this is notation is awful, and I don't recall
| either of us ASKING for it, so this was probably someone else's idea
| of a ``concession'' to the Id community!
| Nikhil

All right!  I'm sorry!  ;-)

As I recall, Nikhil is right that neither he nor Arvind asked for this.
Some scientific programmers of my acquaintance did, though.  Id uses
= for this purpose, together with square brackets around the index.
This, of course, was not possible for Haskell.  The motivation was not
so much a "concession" to the Id community, as a concern for the
readability of

        [((i,j), (f i j, g i j)) |


        [(i,j) := (f i j, g i j) |

or Id's

        {matrix (1,N),(1,N) | [i,j] = (f i j, g i j) ||

(if I have that somewhere close to right).  The use of := for pairing
(or if you like, binding, or single-assignment) rather that assignment
did have a precedent in Val and Sisal.

All this syntax may seem of little consequence now, but at the time,
there was a genuine concern about the unpalatability of some choices
of syntax to a large community of programmers.


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