Some people have referred to semantic issues and Abramsky and Ong's work
when contributing to the lifted/unlifted debate. I think it would be fair
to summarise them as follows.

Pro lifting

The simplest possible lambda calculus has lifting in its canonical model as
soon as "laziness" is introduced. Otherwise, non-strict constructors could
not be modelled in the calculus.

When actual non-strict constructors are provided, therefore, essentially
nothing new has been added. The same models work beautifully. Thus in my
POPL 93 paper about lazy semantics, I used lifted function spaces to obtain
a direct correspondence between operational and denotational semantics that
held *everywhere*. Contrast this with Purushothaman and Seaman's ESOP 92
paper where they used unlifted function spaces, and there the
correspondence was only true at base types.

Summary: operational and denotational models "fit" with one another if
function spaces are lifted (and products too by implication).

Con Lifting

If our goal is to improve equational reasoning then, as many people have
pointed out, more (interesting) equations hold when function and product
spaces are not lifted.

Furthermore, the natural semantics of unboxed types is that of domains
without bottoms (FPCA 91), so if Haskell is ever likely to move (in the
future) in the direction of accepting unboxed types into its definition,
then it would make sense not to introduce possibly unnecessary liftings


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