We apologize for multiple copies.   Up-to-date information can be
found at the CP97 web site http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/conferences/CP97/.

                             CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
      Third International Conference on Principles and Practice of
                      Constraint Programming (CP97)
        Schloss Hagenberg, Austria, October 29 - November 1, 1997

Please note the SEPTEMBER 19 deadline for the EARLY REGISTRATION RATE.

Invited Speakers

  Steven Minton: ``Configurable Solvers: Tailoring General Methods to 
         Specific Applications'' 
  Pascal Van Hentenryck: ``A Modeling Language for Constraint Programming'' 

Tutorial Speakers

  Yves Caseau: ``Complex scheduling problems that require complex resources 
         and travel'' 
  Laurent Michel and Jean-Francois Puget: ``Interval methods for non linear 
  Leszek Pacholski and Andreas Podelski: ``Set Constraints''

Workshops on October 27-28, preceding the Conference

  FTP97 International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving
  COTIC 97 Concurrent Constraint Programming for Time Critical Applications 
  Annual workshop of the CompulogNet, area "Constraint Programming", joint 
        with the second meeting of the ERCIM working group on Constraints

CP97 Workshops on November 1, the last day of the Conference

  Constraints and Bioinformatics/Biocomputing 
  Constraint Reasoning on the Internet 
  The Theory and Practice of Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction 
  Industrial Constraint-directed Scheduling 
  Set Constraints and Constraint-based Program Analysis 

(Some of the workshops organized around CP97 still accept submissions;
please look at the given web site or check with the organizers).

Scope of the Conference

   Constraints have emerged as the basis of a representational and
   computational paradigm that draws from many disciplines and can
   be brought to bear on many problem domains. The conference is
   concerned with all aspects of computing with constraints including:
   algorithms, applications, environments, languages, models, systems. 

Conference Venue

   CP97 will take place at Schloss Hagenberg, a medieval, renovated
   castle close to Linz, Austria, known as the site of the Research
   Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC).

Registration and Local Arrangements

   For registration, please fill out the registration form and the
   hotel reservation form appended below, and send it by fax or email
   to the address given there.  The hotel reserved for conference
   participants is the comfortable "Steigenberger MAXX" Hotel, located
   quietly next to the Danube river in Linz. For particular questions
   about local arrangements, please contact the CP97 Local
   Arrangements Chair Betina Curtis, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   The proceedings will be published as Springer LNCS 1330; they
   will be available at the conference.
   Selected papers will appear in a special issue of the CONSTRAINTS 
   journal devoted to the conference. 

Official Sponsors:  Compulog, Ilog, Prologia, DFKI, MPI, RISC

Conference Organization

   Conference Chair: 
      Bruno Buchberger (RISC)

   Program Chair:
      Gert Smolka (DFKI and Universitaet des Saarlandes)

   Program Committee:
      Franz Baader (RWTH Aachen)
      Frederic Benhamou (University of Orleans)
      Alex Brodsky (George Mason University)
      Yves Caseau (Bouygues)
      Hoon Hong (RISC)
      John Hooker (CMU)
      Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore)
      Claude Kirchner (INRIA Lorraine and CRIN)
      Michael Maher (Griffith University)
      Kim Marriott (Monash University)
      Dave McAllester (AT&T Research)
      Ken McAloon (Brooklyn College)
      Bernhard Nebel (University of Freiburg)
      Tobias Nipkow (TU Muenchen)
      Martin Odersky (TU Karlsruhe and University of South Australia)
      Catuscia Palamidessi (University of Genova)
      Andreas Podelski (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik)
      Jean-Francois Puget (ILOG)
      Francesca Rossi (University of Pisa)
      Thomas Schiex (INRA)
      Bart Selman (AT&T Research)
      Gert Smolka (DFKI and Universitaet des Saarlandes)
      Peter J. Stuckey (University of Melbourne)
      Edward Tsang (University of Essex)
      Peter van Beek (University of Alberta)
      Mark Wallace (ICL/Imperial College)

   Publicity and Workshop Chair: 
      Andreas Podelski (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik)

   Organizing Committee:
      Alan Borning (University of Washington)
      Alain Colmerauer (University of Marseille)
      Eugene Freuder (University of New Hampshire)
      Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (University of Paris Sud)
      Jean-Louis Lassez (New Mexico Tech)
      Ugo Montanari (University of Pisa)
      Anil Nerode (Cornell University)
      Vijay Saraswat (AT&T Research)
      Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown University)
      Ralph Wachter (Office of Naval Research) 


Registration Form

Third International Conference on Principles and Practice of

RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
October 29 - November 1, 1997

Personal Data: 
     Family Name: 
     First Name: 
     Mailing Address: 

Conference Registration fees:

                Registration and payment        Registration and payment
                received by Sept. 19, 1997      received after Sept. 19, 1997

Regular*                USD    420                      USD    460
Students**              USD    200                      USD    240
Person ***              USD    230                      USD    270

Additional banquet ticket:  USD 50                      USD      50

For lunches etc.:       o    Vegetarian         o    Regular food


Please choose one of the following. All payments must be made in US $. 

 o I have remitted the above total fee on . . . . . . . . . . .(Date)
   to the account "CP97", No. 26203, Raiffeisenbank Hagenberg, BLZ: 34151, 
   A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria (Europe). 
   I add a copy of the transfer form to confirm the remittance.

 o I add a bank cheque for the above total fee payable to the account
   "CP97" No. 26203, Raiffeisenbank Hagenberg, BLZ: 34151, 
   A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria (Europe).

 o I agree to remit above total fee by credit card 

              o American Express         o Mastercard             o VISA

    Card Number:
    Card holder's name:
    Expiration Date:
    Date:                   Authorized Signature:


*   Fee for regular participant includes: proceedings, refreshment breaks,
    lunches (hors d'oeuvre, main meal, dessert, drink), conference
    banquet, shuttle bus from conference hotel to the conference site and
    back, shuttle bus to the restaurant for the conference dinner, guided
    walk in the hilly area of the "Muehlviertel".

**  Fee for students includes: proceedings, refreshment breaks,
    lunches (hors d'oeuvre, main meal, dessert, drink), shuttle bus
    from conference hotel to the conference site and back, guided walk
    in the hilly area of the "Muehlviertel".

***  Fee for accompanying person includes: all conference sessions,
     refreshment breaks, lunches (hors d'oeuvre, main meal, dessert,
     drink), conference banquet, shuttle bus from conference hotel to
     the conference site and back, shuttle bus to the restaurant for
     the conference dinner, guided walk in the hilly area of the
Social programme for accompanying persons and guests (excursion to
Salzburg or Vienna) is planned. Please contact the conference office

Please send the completed form by e-mail or fax or surface mail to: 

Betina Curtis, RISC - Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
                       Schloss Hagenberg, A-4232 Hagenberg 
Fax: +43(7236)323130 

Hotel Reservation Form

Third International Conference on Principles and Practice of
Constraint Programming (CP 97)

RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria
October 29 - November 1, 1997





Accompanying Person(s): 
     Family Name:                    First Name: 

I reserve as follows:
    Arrival Date:                    Departure Date: 

 o   single room ATS 890,- = about US $ 75,-   per day/person
 o   double room ATS 550,- = about US $ 47,- per day/person

Included in the price:
Breakfast buffet, health club, shuttle service airport - hotel -

There is a small contingent of student rooms available. These
accommodations are secluded 
and scattered over the region. If you want to reserve this
room-category, please contact the 
local organizer Betina Curtis, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). 

o    I arrive by plane and need a shuttle service to the hotel:

Arrival time:
Flight from:
Flight number: 

Please send the completed form by e-mail or fax or surface mail to: 

Betina Curtis, RISC - Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
                       Schloss Hagenberg, A-4232 Hagenberg 
Fax: +43(7236)323130 

Reply via email to