
Peter Thiemann writes:

> The type inference algorithm is already presented in Milner's paper
> [Milner1978] along with a soundness proof.
> Damas [DamasMilner1982] proved the completeness of the algorithm and
> the fact that the algorithm computes principal types, i.e., suppose
> the algorithm yields e : sigma. Then for each derivable typing
> judgement  [] |- e : sigma' it holds that sigma' is a generic instance 
> of sigma. 
> Btw, some people also speak of Milner-Mycroft typing to mean ML-typing 
> plus polymorphic recursion.

I always thought that the type inference algorithm, for the simply
typed lambda calculus, was first described by Curry and Feys
[curry58].  Later Hindley [hindley69] introduced the notion of
principal type, proving that the Curry and Feys algorithm inferred the
most general type.  Milner [milner78] independently described a
similar algorithm, which also introduced the notion of first-order
polymorphism, often called let-polymorphism or ML style
polymorphism. Damas [damas85] later proved the completeness of
Milner's algorithm, extending the type inference system with
polymorphic references.

Best wishes


        author = "H. Curry and R. Feys",
        title = "Combinatory Logic",
        publisher = "North-Holland",
        year = "1958",
        volume = "1"}

author  = "Luis M. M. Damas" ,
title   = "Type Assignment in Programming Languages",
school  = "University of Edinburgh" ,
year    = "1985" ,
month   = "April",
note    = "Technical report CST-33-85")

        author = "J. Roger Hindley",
        title = "The Principal Type Scheme of an Object in Combinatory Logic",
        journal = "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
        year = "1969",
        volume = "146",
        pages = "29-60",
        month = "December"}

        author    = "Robin Milner",
        title     = "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming",
        journal   = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences",
        year      = "1978",
        month     = "August",
        volume    = "17",
        pages     = "348-375"}

Benedict R. Gaster.
Languages and Programming Group, University of Nottingham.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever -- John Keats (1795--1821).

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