> I just reread Dima's answer to my query about the database access in
> particular and am confused.  Dima says that he can't allow queries
> outside the IOMonad because he has to worry about freeing memory (query
> output).  
> However, Haskell/Com (built on top of Greencard?) seems to be able to
> propagate garbage collection information from Haskell to C so that
> when a Haskell/COM Object is no longer in use, there is some functionality
> decrements its reference counter automatically.
> How does this work?  and can dima use this mechamism to free queries
> when they are no longer needed? ..allowing database queries outside
> the IOMonad?  

I think all you need is something like this:

        query :: String         -- The query
              -> [Result]       -- The result

        query q = unsafePerformIO (do {
                        server <- connect "foo.bax.com";
                        result <- sendQuery server q;
                        disconnect server;
                        return result

A use of unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a   is a promise that the
enclosed action is indeed a function.  I.e. the proof obligation
is yours.  That's what you say you want here.

And, yes, the garbage collection should be OK.


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