>   class (Ring r,AddGroup (m r)) => RightModule m r  
>     where  
>     cMul :: m r -> r -> m r
>                      -- "vector" (m r) multiplied by "coefficient"  r'
> Haskell rejects this (m r) in the context.  Could Haskell-2 allow it?

Yes.  See http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~simonpj/multi-param.html

>   instance Ring r => RightModule r r  where  cMul = mul
> Haskell rejects this  `=> RightModule r r'

This is fine too (for Haskell 2). See the same URL.

> `newtype' cannot derive all the instances automatically.
> Thus, in our case,  add (Id 1) (Id 2)  is illegal.
> This may occur a stupid question, but 
>   why Haskell allows the `newtype' derivation only for the standard 
>   classes?
> Why not support declarations like
>      newtype N a b =  N (T a b)  deriving(Eq,Ord,AddGroup,Ring)
> or   newtype N a b =  N (T a b)  deriving( all )

That would indeed be possible for newtype; but my guess is
that if you want 'all' then you ought to be able to get away without
a newtype at all.  But I might well be wrong about this.
Anyway, it's not an unreasonable suggestion.


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