>Another reason is that allowing definitions to be split up
>without any special syntax indicating this would harm readability.
>If I see a definition, I can't be sure it's complete without
>examining the whole module.
>Since the order of clauses affects the semantics, I don't think
>it would be a good idea to allow them to be widely separated.
>If the proposal was to allow them to be separated, but only
>with some special declaration, e.g. a keyword "noncontiguous",
>prefixed to each clauses, that wouldn't be so bad for readability.
>But if we have to add new syntax to make it work then it
>is getting to be more trouble than its worth.

This is *exectly* the reasoning I am opposed to. It is not to the language
designer to decide for me what is readable of not!

Erik "warrior against the Edith Bunkerizing of programming languages" Meijer

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