On Fri, 4 Dec 1998, Keith Wansbrough wrote:

> Surely it would be better to split the one stream into several infinite ones:
>   splitStream :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
>   splitStream xs = unzip (spl xs)
>     where spl (x:y:xs) = (x,y):(spl xs)
> Then you don't have to know how many you are going to use from each stream.

Closer inspection reveals this is not a necessarily a the best idea
(particularly if you're going to repeat the trick several times on various
subsets) because you can get nasty correlations between the various
streams even from quite a good random number generator. There was a paper
published in the JFP about a better way of splitting streams which I think
appeared sometime between January 1996--October 1996. (Sorry I can't be
more specific -- I didn't really keep any notes on all the
frantic background reading I was doing :-) )

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