> Simon's latest report changes the relationship between monomorphism
> and defaulting.  This issue was never discussed at length by the
> committee so I think I'll bring the discussion out here.

John objected quite strongly to changing the way top-level monomorphism
is resolved.  I count the votes as follows:

Pro the status quo
        John P  strongly
        Malcolm W       mildly
        Fergus H        mildly

Pro a change
        Mark Jones              mildly  
        Olaf Chitil?    mildly [I can't locate his message]

My rule of thumb is that the status quo wins if there's any
doubt, and there is, so I'll reverse my proposal and leave
things unchanged.  Sorry for indecisiveness, but I don't think
anyone is going to notice.

Incidentally, this means that Hugs will (continue) to differ from
Haskell in this minor respect.  Mark says that the cost-to-fix is
high compared with the perceived benefit.


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