Is there any chance that someone could send to me in Germany the head of the
canting Puritan who outlawed punning in Haskell 98?  I'm trying to migrate
some code which makes heavy use of punning, and I'm about to yet again
(for literally the thirtieth time) fix yet another (subtly different)
constructor invocation to work according to the latest standard.  I fail
to see why
   XYZ {
     blahblahblah = blahblahblah,
     rhubarbrhubarbrhubarb = rhubarbrhubarbrhubarb
is any more maintainable or parsable than 
   XYZ {blahblahblah,rhubarbrhubarbrhubarb}
and it is certainly more error-prone and longer.  Standard ML, I'm glad to
say, has punning, and I don't remember it causing me any difficulties at
all as a programmer or a compiler writer.  (I wrote the parser in the
latest version of MLj.)  Please reverse this stupid ban in the next version
of the Haskell standard!

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