One of our students just pointed out an IMHO rather
problematic clause in the layout rule.  In Section 2.7 of
the Haskell 98 Report it says,

  A close brace is also inserted whenever the syntactic
  category containing the layout list ends; that is, if an
  illegal lexeme is encountered at a point where a close
  brace would be legal, a close brace is inserted.

And in B.3, we have in the first equation of the definition
of `L',

  L (t:ts) (m:ms) = } : (L (t:ts) ms)   if parse-error(t)  (Note 1)

where Note 1 says,

  The side condition parse-error(t) is to be interpreted as
  follows: if the tokens generated so far by L together with
  the next token t represent an invalid prefix of the
  Haskell grammar, and the tokens generated so far by L
  followed by the token } represent a valid prefix of the
  Haskell grammar, then parse-error(t) is true.

What kind of implementation did the originators of this
clause envision?  If the layout rule is really implemented
as a filter between the scanner and the parser, it seems
extremely awkward to add a dependency on the error condition
of the parser - in particular, it makes a functional, ie,
side-effect free implementation rather hard and a true two
phase implementation impossible.  So, I guess (I hope!!) 
there is a nifty trick that lets you achieve the same effect
by using only conditions depending on local information
(either during layout processing or by letting the parser
insert the missing braces).



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