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Thu Sep 09 1999, George Russell ->
> This is very much better than what we have already, but I'll make
> the following quibbles anyway:
> (1) it should be possible to view all the specifications for a module
>     in one big HTML page.  (It looks like this one is meant to occupy
>     a page all to itself.)  Otherwise it is tiresome searching to see
>     if the function I want is there.

Of course we should have both. A page with types and one-line
descriptions for each functin in the module, and a page with more info
on a specific function (or small group of functions).

> (2) I think we can assume that the user who doesn't yet understand
>     laziness shouldn't be worried about it.  On the other hand,
>     the user who does will probably assume anyway that where=20
>     it makes sense, the function will cope even in the presence of
>     undefined values.  So get rid of mentions of infinite lists and
>     the second and third examples.

Well, I agree on this, more relevant would be to explain limitations, if
a lazy list /cannot/ be used, then it must be explained.

> (3) The information "No filtering is done; every input appears as an
>     output" is also redundant.  If there was filtering, you would
>     certainly say so, and even the naive would realise this.

Same goes for this.

In the case of unzip, you could also mention it's counterpart, zip.
Maybe have the example:
uncurry zip . unzip =3D id
_but_ (if the lists are of different length)
unzip . uncurry zip !=3D id=20


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