Fergus Henderson, replying to me:
> > That's far from clear.  Certainly, I don't think it's likely to be
> > reasonably possible a conversative extension.

> Ad-hoc overloading and type inference don't mix so well, because
> you can easily get ambiguities which the compiler cannot resolve.
> However, the user can add explicit type annotations where necessary
> to resolve the ambiguities.

If you can can ambiguities arising in what would otherwise be a well-typed
Haskell program, then that'd make it a non-conservative (which I shall
spell right, this time) extension, in my book.   I guess you could
always choose the 'Old Haskell Compliant' option, though, in such
cases, though that could be a mite confusing.  (As if the MR isn't,
mind you...)

> ghc does not offer any facility for type class casts.

I'm not clear what's meant by this;  are we speaking of some sort of
conversion to a common _type_, in some manner?


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