I've dumped a new version of the Gentle Intro on haskell.org.  We've
updated to Haskell 98 (finally!) and added a new chapter on monads.
I've also resurrected the ancient online supplement we used to
distribute with the late, lamented Yale Haskell compiler so all of the
source code is now there and ready to execute in Hugs as you read.

I could use help packaging some more versions of the document - if
anyone wants to generate a .pdf for me that would be really nice!

We're now done with the Gentle Intro at Yale - I'm "setting it free".
We've added a copyright that allows anyone to modify, update, or
improve the tutorial and made full sources for the tutorial
available.  So instead of complaining, just fix & extend it yourself!
We'll probably put this into a public CVS repository once we get a

   John Peterson

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