> I would like to add a vote for reorganization into two lists 
> one of which
> is a proper subset of the other.  I stopped reading Usenet a 
> long time ago
> when the spam got too intolerable.

In my experience, this sort of thing doesn't work too well in practice.
People tend to cross-post, or always post to the most general list, when
they aren't sure exactly which list they should be posting to.  Here's my

        - haskell-announce (v. low volume)

        - haskell-chat (high volume, anything vaguely related to 
          Haskell is acceptable)

        - haskell-questions (questions about the use of the language,
          maybe haskell-help or haskell-users)

        - haskell-2 (discussions related to changes/extensions to
          the language)

        - haskell (general discussion list, anything not covered above)

I don't think we need to have a more restrictive charter fot the haskell
list itself - just the presence of the other lists will take some of the
load off straight away.  Besides, 30 messages a day isn't a great deal,
especially if you use a decent threaded mail reader (I recommend
emacs+Gnus+procmail, but there are lots of others).


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