Hi Joachim,

| AsmGofer is an extension of TkGofer. TkGofer is an extension of
| Gofer in order to support graphical user interfaces. Gofer is a
| subset of Haskell.

I'd like to urge you to consider making the AsmGofer distribution
more publicly available.  I was shocked to find that I couldn't
just download a copy from your website.  Of course, nothing in the
conditions of distribution and use that are attached to Gofer requires
you to do this.  But a more liberal distribution of AsmGofer would make
it easier for people to find out about the system, and perhaps to adapt
some of the ideas to other systems, particularly Gofer derivatives like
Hugs.  Perhaps you have some specific reasons to be cautious about
making the release more widely available, but it surely can't be
something that is required by Siemens; after all, for better or
worse, the Gofer license doesn't allow commercial use.  (Fortunately,
we've learnt a bit about licensing since then, so Hugs doesn't have
this problem...)

All the best,

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