Hi Havoc,

Thanks for your comments about Haskell, which Manuel forward to the
Haskell list.  Of the many points that you raised, one on which I
can offer some good news is the following:

| One concern that I have is the Artistic license on Hugs; this might make
| it hard to embed Hugs in other applications (such as the embedded Python,
| Perl, and Guile interpreters in the Gnumeric spreadsheet). An Artistic/GPL
| option like Perl might be nicer, or just the X-style license. I'm sure the
| Hugs authors are sick of hearing about this though.

We've been working on this, and the next release of Hugs is dropping
the Artistic license in favor of a more liberal license; essentially
the same license that is being used for GHC (in part to make the
integration of Hugs and GHC that little bit smoother).  In fact we'd
been planning for the new release of Hugs to go out in August; the
main reason for the delay is that we're waiting for the new license
to be approved.  (I expect this to go through any day now; we're just
trying to make sure that things are done properly, and we're not not
expecting any problems!)

All the best,

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