
This minor inconsistency has been bothering me for some time:

Prelude> drop 10 "test"
Prelude> drop (-1) ""
Prelude> drop (-1) "a"
Program error: Prelude.drop: negative argument

I got these results from Hugs, but the code is identical to that
specified in the Haskell98 standard.

Why not an error for the negative argument on an empty list ?

Secondly, why not an error for an argument that's too big ? What
I would like is this:

drop 0 xs                 = xs
drop n (_:xs) | n>0       = drop (n-1) xs
drop n _      | n>0       = error "Prelude.drop: argument too big"
              | otherwise = error "Prelude.drop: negative argument"

Or is there a good reason for drop being able to drop more
elements than the list is long ? In which case I would like:

drop 0 xs            = xs
drop n []     | n>0  = []
drop n (_:xs) | n>0  = drop (n-1) xs
drop _ _             = error "Prelude.drop: negative argument"

I doubt the second solution would be much less efficient. The first
solution should be just as efficient as the one in Haskell98.

The same goes for take and splitAt.


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