Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Take and drop
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jan Kort points out that
> a) (take n xs) and (drop n xs) are defined for n > length xs
>    In that case they do something reasonable and useful
>         (take gives back xs, drop gives the empy list)
> b) They are both also defined if the list is empty, regardless of
>    the value of n
> c) But iff the list is non-empty, they fail for n < 0.
> This seems bizarre.  I can see three alternatives:
> (A) Make them defined for any n.  If n < 0, do something reasonable:
>         take:   give empty list
>         drop:   give whole list
> (B) Make them defined for n > length xs, but fail for n < 0.
> (C) Status quo
> PROPOSAL: Use alternative (A)

I have argued in favor of A in the past.  It's the asymmetry
that bothers me -- if n < 0 is an error, then n > length xs
should be also.  (Making both errors would I suppose be
alternative D.)

One advantage of A is that it satisfies the law that

  take n xs ++ drop n xs == xs

for any (terminating) n, as opposed to requiring a side 
condition like n >= 0.


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