Simon Marlow writes:

| All known Haskell compilers implement the IO type as a function type,
| something like (World -> (World, a)).  You can think of the monad 
| as just a convenient way to hide the passing around of the world token.
| And because it is abstract, compilers are free to implement it 
| however they like.

I would refute Simon's first point (it depends on how you interpret
the word "compiler"), but strongly support his second.  In Hugs, I
did actually use a different implementation of the IO monad, based
on continuation passing, which looked something like:

   IO a  =  (a -> Ans) -> (IOError -> Ans) -> Ans

In other words, there is no explicit World, and a choice of two
continuations, one for success, and one for failure.  I haven't
looked to see if things have changed since the new team took over
Hugs; presumably they will because Hugs and GHC will have to agree
on what an IO a is if they're going to interoperate.  Nevertheless,
my point remains: you shouldn't think of an (IO a) value as a world
passing function, but as an abstract datatype that represents a
certain kind of computation, and which may admit more than one

All the best,

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