Miron Brezuleanu wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm a Haskell newbie. I'm also interested in GUIs. I've seen some nice
> stuff concerning functional programming and GUIs, but it appears to have
> been abandoned a long time ago (ie Haggis, Fudgets -- no new releases
> since 96).


Today, I put sources for Fudgets [1] version h13t on our ftp site [2]. It
compiles with HBC and GHC 4.06.

Fudgets is still maintained, although we haven't taken the time to make any
thoroughly tested releases. But it still works well enough to be used in
undergraduate teaching and in other reserch projects [3].

Thomas Hallgren

[1] http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Fudgets/
[2] ftp://ftp.cs.chalmers.se/pub/haskell/chalmers/untested/fudgets-h13t.src.tar.gz
[3] http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~hallgren/Alfa/

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