Peter Hancock wrote:
> >>>>> "George" == George Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     > Is there a standard way of splitting a file name up,
>     > EG (on Unix) "a/b/c" goes to ["a","b","c"]?
> IIRC, filename syntax on vms is
>     logicalname:[dir0..dirk]name.ext;version  (k < 7)
This would presumably split as ["logicalname","dir0",...,"dirk","name.ext"]
So for VAX/VMS you can't use file separators, but at least you can map to
a sequence of strings in a reasonably obvious way.  I'm quite happy for
versions to be ignored; it would probably be best to handle these by 
a special library for VAX/VMS.  MVS/MVT partitioned datasets are another
storY.  Perhaps there you could prefix the final component with a ":" if
a member name is meant.

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