On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> > Using `Left' and
> > `Right' for such cases is fundamentally confusing since it is not
> > clear what the meaning of `Left' and `Right' is.
> Well, I don't totally agree.  Anyone using Right for Wrong deserves to
> have his/her head examined. :)

I probably deserve to have my head examined for different reasons :), but
lots of my code uses Left -> ok result, Right -> error indication and I'm
a native english speaker. I think the reason is the same reason non-native
english speakers don't complain about how the keywords/ubiquitous `words'
in virtually every programming language are all english terms: very
quickly they just become abstract symbols based on how they look/are typed
without any connection to the natural language they were drawn from. (I've
always been puzzled by the choice of Left and Right, which imply symmetry,
when at least in the programs I write, Primary & Secondary would fit the
usage better since if there is general symmetry rather than a
`desirability ordering' that's almost always done in a new datatype.)

www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~tweed/pi.htm|I shoulda realised building the 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |memory allocation subsytem with 
work tel: (0117) 954-5253      |--with-malicious-ai was a bad idea.

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