Manuel M. T. Chakravarty writes:

 > The canonical approach is to define an internal data
 > structure that represents C++ code, then let your mutator
 > functions generate values of that data type (instead of
 > strings), and finally pretty print values of this C++ data
 > structure.  That's cleaner and more flexible than the ++
 > cascades (or the show equivalent).
 > Depending on how restricted and/or idiomatic the generate
 > C++ code is, it makes sense to not have a data structure
 > that can represent arbitrary C++ programs, but only a subset
 > that is relevant for the code generation task at hand.  So,
 > you might want functions like
 >   mutatorDef :: ... -> AbstractCPlusPlus
 >   prettyPrintACPP :: AbstractCPlusPlus -> String

Thanks for the clear description (and to Julian Seward who also
suggested such an approach). Alfter playing with the code a little
more, I had actually already started down this approach. The tricky
bit will be, as you say, defining a data structure that is "just"
general enough.


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