Actually, all functions in Haskell take only one argument, although the people writing the program usually don't think of it this way.
scale could alternatively have been defined with type
    scale :: (Picture, Int) -> Picture
which looks more like what we would expect in a function of two arguments.  But even here there is actually only a single argument, which happens to be a pair of values.
The given declaration
    scale :: Picture -> Int -> Picture
is written in 'curried' form.  This means that scale is a function of one argument, 'Picture', and that its return value is a new function with type Int -> Picture.  That new function can immediately be applied to an int value so that it appears as if you called scale with two values instead of just one.
instead of writing
    scale pic 3
for example, you could have written
    (scale pic) 3
or even
    let x = scale pic in x 3
Which might make it a little easier to see what is actually happening.
Hope this helps,
-- Gary
-----Original Message-----
From: Cagdas Ozgenc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:07 PM
Subject: newbie syntax question

I am extremely new to Haskell. This will be my first question, so go easy. I have just read Chapter 1 on Simon Thompson's book.
for example a function declaration is given as follows
scale : : Picture -> Int -> Picture
If the first two types are input variables why does the syntax require me to use arrows twice? I mean isn't the following syntax more readable (hypothetically)?
scale : : Picture , Int -> Picture
Is there a specific reason not to be able to distinguish the input parameters from the output parameter?

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