Lots of people have observed that Haskell might be a good "scripting
language" for numerical computation.  In complicated numerical
applications, the program may spend most of its time in (say) matrix
multiply, which constitutes a tiny fraction of the code for the
application. So write the bulk of the application in Haskell (where the
logic is complex but the performance doesn't matter) and then link to a
C or Fortran library to do the small part that is really compute

More concretly, suppose you built an FFI interface to BLAS or some
readily available numerical library, and then demonstrated the utility
of the resulting beast by writing some non-trivial numerical application
in it.  

You'd need to find a "real" application though. The classical "kernels"
(matrix multiply, inversion etc) are precisely the things you may not
want to do in Haskell.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Hal Daume III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 22 January 2002 22:00
| To: Haskell Mailing List
| Subject: ideas for compiler project
| Hi All,
| I'm currently taking a class in compiler optimization for
| high performance computing (i.e., parallel architectures, 
| including VLIW, FPGA, multimedia extension architectures, 
| systems-on-a-chip, etc).  It's the second of two graduate 
| level compiler courses, and it purely project based.  And the 
| project is of our choosing.
| The professor has made some suggested projects, which I could
| do, but none of them are really FP specific.  I'm curious if 
| anyone has any ideas of a project I could do.  I'm looking 
| for something that's open, yet 
| constrained, etc (standard semester-long-project-course 
| stuff), hopefully having to do with optimizations 
| specifically for FPLs, or at least ones that would benefit them.
| I'm open to all ideas...
|  - Hal
| --
| Hal Daume III
|  "Computer science is no more about computers    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra | www.isi.edu/~hdaume
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