David Bergman writes:

>Should I imply that the IO monad is "pretty damned useless" in Hugs
>then, since the loop does not run in constant space there?

my statement was too broad.  allow me to amend it.

some are using Haskell for "systems programming", as a better C
than C.  some, including me, would like to see more of that,
with Haskell or another pure functional language with an IO monad
taking systems programmers away from the C and C++ communities.

Hugs is completely useless for *that*.

for an example of Haskell as a better C than C, see Chak's Gtk+
bindings.  to use them you must write your whole GUI in the IO monad
in a style where the basic data structures and control structures
closely resemble what you would write in C.

and note how most of the functions are in the IO monad.

many Haskellers have a negative opinion of such heavy use of the
IO monad, but in systems programming you need more control over
when (relative to other interactions) your program performs an
interaction with a file, network or UI resource than is available
in Haskell without the IO monad.

Richard Uhtenwoldt
"It's a mammal thing; you wouldn't understand."
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