I wrote:

> Exactly the same rule should apply to implicit parameters. In the case of
> implicit parameters, safety is ensured if in every use of the bound
> variable, its implicit parameter refers to the same explicit binding of
> that parameter. For example, the expression
>       let g = ?x in (g,g)
> should be accepted provided there is an enclosing binding of ?x, because
> in both uses of g the implicit parameter ?x refers to that same binding.

I think what I wrote above is misleading. The "explicit" or "enclosing"
binding need not be local, or even in a known location, as long as the
compiler can prove that there's only one of them. And this is always
possible in the case of non-local bindings. E.g.:

    f () = let g = ?x in (g,g)

Each time f is invoked it will be passed exactly one implicit ?x. The
compiler has no idea where that value was explicitly bound, but it can
still prove that the two uses of g always refer to the same ?x.

-- Ben

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