On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 16:06:24 -0500
"Abraham Egnor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry that I'm too lazy to download the the tar.bz2 and see for myself,

>   that applies those functions to a monadic reference.  Instances for
>   MRef are provided for both IORef and STRef.

Assuming MRef is like the below, did you include Lazy.ST too?

On a more general note, sticking something like MonadRef somewhere in
the heirarchical libs seems like it would be useful.  Or perhaps Iavor's
monad library?

instance MonadRef IO IORef where
    newRef = newIORef
    readRef = readIORef
    writeRef = writeIORef

instance MonadRef (Lazy.ST s) (STRef s) where
    newRef = Lazy.strictToLazyST . newSTRef
    readRef = Lazy.strictToLazyST . readSTRef
    writeRef = (Lazy.strictToLazyST .) . writeSTRef

instance MonadRef (Strict.ST s) (STRef s) where
    newRef = newSTRef
    readRef = readSTRef
    writeRef = writeSTRef

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