
Given the fact that Haskell 98 demands that class constraints in an explicit type are
in a normal form (either a variable, or a type variable applied to a list of types), it struck me
that in the following (not very useful) program ghci yields a type which is not of that form.

class X a where
  (><) :: a -> a -> Bool

class Y a where
  (<>) :: a -> a -> Bool
  _ <> _ = True

instance Y a => X [a] where
  x >< y = not(head x  <> head y)

--f :: Y a => a -> a -> Bool
f g h = [g] >< [h]

Now, in ghci
:t f yields f :: forall t. (X [t]) => t -> t -> Bool

Hugs does reduce the type of f to the explicit type in comments.

My question is: is there any special reason for this behaviour?

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