Is this a joke? Seriously if you writing the OS in haskell this is trivial,
you fork a thread using forkIO at system boot to maintain the driver,
all 'processes' communicate to the thread using channels, the thread
maintains local state (an IORef, or just a peramiter used recursively)

   myDriver :: (Chan in,Chan out) -> State -> IO State
   myDriver (in,out) state = do
      -- read commands from in
      -- process commands
      -- reply on out
      myDriver (in,out) new_state


Adrian Hey wrote:

IOW there is no possible sound solution in Haskell. I think that's

a problem for a "general purpose" programming language. What if
there is no OS or device driver? Shouldn't people reasonably expect
to be able to write their own device driver in a general purpose
programming language?

Adrian Hey

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