On 2005-04-20 19:04:32 -0700, "Alexandre Weffort Thenorio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

As usual a beginner in Haskell. Trying to write a simple program in haskel
shown below

getLeft :: String -> String -> String
getRight :: String ->String -> String

outputLine keyno key orgFile = do
    part1 <- getLeft keyno orgFile
    part2 <- getRight keyno orgFile
    total <- part1 ++ (strUpper key) ++ part2 ++ "\n"

And I keep getting the error

    Couldn't match `[a]' against `Char'
        Expected type: [a]
        Inferred type: Char
    In the first argument of `(++)', namely `part1'
    In a 'do' expression:
        total <- part1 ++ ((strUpper key) ++ (part2 ++ "\n"))

You should be using:

 let part1 = getLeft keyno orgFile
 let part2 = getRight keyno orgFile
 let total = part1 ++ (strUpper key) ++ part2 ++ "\n"

The problem is that the "part1 <- ..." syntax is for extracting the result from a monadic computation. When you read from a file like "hexFile <- readFile "file"", readFile is a computation in the IO monad, and you extract hexFile from the monad. The list [] type is also a monad, and String is really [Char], so "part1 <- getLeft keyno orgFile" implies that part1 is of type Char, which is a single element extracted from the list of Chars returned by the monadic computation (in the [] monad) "getLeft keyno orgFile".

That leads to the error you see. part1's inferred type is Char, and the ++ function expects a list of some type ([a]), which Char is obviously not.

The "let" syntax binds a variable instead of extracting it from a monadic computation, which is what you want for these three lines.

Hope that helps!

"Furthermore, I believe bacon prevents hair loss!"

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