[With apologies in advance for any duplication.  Kevin]

TFP 2005 <http://www.tifp.org/tfp05>: Sixth Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming,

September 23rd-24th 2005, Tallinn, Estonia (co-located with ICFP 2005 and GPCE 2005).

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts:  Friday  8th July 2005

The 2005 Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP '05) is an international forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of functional programming languages, focusing on providing a broad view of current and future trends in Functional Programming. Previous TFP symposia were held in Munich, Germany in 2004, in Scotland in 2002 and 2003, as successors to the successful series of Scottish Functional Programming Workshops.

TFP <http://www.tifp.org/> aims to combine a lively environment for presenting the latest research results with a formal post-symposium refereeing process leading to the publication by Intellect of a high-profile volume containing a selection of the best papers presented at the symposium. A review of a previous TFP proceedings can be found in the July
2003 issue of the Journal of Functional Programming.

TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students, acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new subject trends. The TFP05 best student paper award (i.e. for the best paper with a student as first author) acknowledges more formally the special attention TFP has for students. The 2004 award was given to Ron van Kesteren for
the paper entitled: "Proof Support for General Type Classes".

In order to enhance the quality of student submissions, student papers will be given the option of a feedback on their submission to the symposium proceedings. This feedback is intended for authors who are less familiar with a formal publication process and will provide general qualitative feedback on the submission, but will not give a grade or

The Symposium recognises that new trends may arise through various routes. As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore identify the following five categories of paper.
High-quality papers are solicited in any of these categories:

RESEARCH PAPERS   (leading-edge, previously unpublished research work)
POSITION PAPERS   (on what new trends should or should not be)
PROJECT PAPERS    (descriptions of recently started new projects)
EVALUATION PAPERS (what lessons can be drawn from a finished project)
OVERVIEW PAPERS   (summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject)

Papers must be original, and not submitted for simultaneous publication in any other forum. They may consider any aspect of functional programming: theoretical, implementation- oriented, or more experience-oriented. Also applications of functional programming
techniques to other languages may be considered.

Papers on the following subject areas are particularly welcome:

o   functional programming and security
o   functional programming and mobility
o   functional programming applied to global computing
o   functional languages for embedded systems
o   telecommunications applications in functional languages
o   functional GRIDs
o   validation and verification of functional programs
o functional languages for reasoning about imperative/object-oriented programs
o   interoperability with imperative programming languages
o   dependently typed functional programming
o   any new emerging trend in the functional programming area

If you are in doubt on whether your paper is within the scope of TFP, please contact the
TFP05 program chair, Marko van Eekelen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Acceptance to the symposium will be based upon extended abstracts of at least 6 and at most 10 pages. Accepted abstracts are to be completed to full papers for publication in
the proceedings that will be available at the symposium in Tallinn.

In addition, we intend to continue the TFP tradition of publishing a high-quality subset of contributions in the Intellect series on Trends in Functional Programming. Revised papers will be refereed after the symposium to the normal standards and a subset of the best
papers over all categories will be selected for publication by Intellect.

This implies (among other things) that:

   * the paper is written in English.
   * the paper is well written.
   * the topic of the paper should be stated clearly.
* the submission should clearly indicate to which paper category it belongs: a research, position, project, evaluation or overview paper; it should also indicate whether the
     paper is a student paper (i.e. first author a student).
* for research papers, the approach to solving the problem should be outlined clearly
     and a detailed discussion of the solution must be given.
   * the work is properly compared with relevant related work.
   * there is an abstract, introduction and conclusion.
* for research papers, the conclusion should summarise the problem, the solution, and
     how the work solves the problem.
* papers for the symposium proceedings must adhere to the formatting instructions using the tfp.cls style, as will be provided on the TFP05 site; papers must not exceed 16
     pages (papers in some categories may comprise considerably less pages).
* papers submitted for publication by Intellect must follow formatting and any other
     instructions provided by the Program Chair.

Papers will be judged on their contribution to the research area, with different criteria
applying to different categories of paper, as appropriate.

Submission of extended abstracts:       Friday  8th July 2005
Notification of acceptance:             Friday 22th July 2005
Early registration deadline:            Friday 29th July 2005
Submission of full papers:              Friday  2nd September 2005
Symposium at Tallinn, Estonia:          Friday 23rd-Saturday 24th Sept. 2005
Feedback to student papers:             Friday 21st October 2005  (provisional)
Submission for formal proceedings:      Friday 16th December 2005 (provisional)
Notification of acceptance:             Friday 10th February 2006 (provisional)
Camera-ready version:           Friday 10th March 2006    (provisional)

Symposium Chair: Kevin Hammond (University of St. Andrews) Program Chair: Marko van Eekelen (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL) Local Organisation: Tarmo Uustalu (Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn) Treasurer: Greg Michaelson (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)

Andrew Butterfield                      Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
Gaetan Hains                    Université d'Orleans (France)
Therese Hardin                  Université Paris VI (France)
Kevin Hammond                   St Andrews University (UK)
John Hughes                     Chalmers University (Sweden)
Graham Hutton                   University of Nottingham (UK)
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany)
Rita Loogen                     Philipps-University Marburg (Germany)
Greg Michaelson                 Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh (UK)
John O'Donnell                  University of Glasgow (UK)
Ricardo Peña                    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Rinus Plasmeijer                        Universitaet Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Claus Reinke                    University of Kent at Canterbury (UK)
Sven Bodo Scholz                        University of Hertfordshire (UK)
Doaitse Swierstra                       Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
Phil Trinder                    Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh (UK)
Tarmo Uustalu                   Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn (Estonia)

We are actively looking for additional TFP sponsors, who may help to subsidise attendance by research students, for example. If you or your organization might be willing to sponsor TFP, or if you know someone who might be willing to do so, please do not hesitate to
contact the Symposium chair: Kevin Hammond. Your students will be grateful!

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