7 - 11 August 2006
organized as part of the
European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2006)
31 July - 11 August, 2005, Malaga, Spain

Workshop organizers: Thomas Agotnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Natasha Alechina

Workshop purpose

Logics of knowledge and belief, as well as other attitudes such as
desire or intention, have been extensively studied.  However, most of
the treatments of knowledge and belief make strong and idealised
assumptions about the reasoners.  For example, traditional epistemic
logic say that agents know all logical consequences of their
knowledge.  Similarly, logics of action and strategic interaction are
usually based on game theoretic models which assume perfect
rationality.  Models based on such assumptions can be used to describe
ideal agents without bounds on resources such as time, memory, etc,
but they fail to accurately describe non-ideal agents which are
computationally bounded.  The workshop aims to provide a forum for
advanced PhD students and researchers to present and discuss possible
solutions to the problem of formally capturing the properties of
knowledge, belief, action, etc. of non-idealised resource-bounded
agents with colleagues and researchers who work in logic, computer
science and other areas represented at ESSLLI.

Workshop topics

Topics include, but are not limited to, logical models of:

- logically non-omniscient agents in general
- explicit knowledge and belief
- algorithmic knowledge
- temporal logics of reasoning
- active logics
- knowledge and belief of reasoners with bounds on reasoning time
- knowledge and belief of reasoners with bounded memory
- knowledge and belief of reasoners with other resource bounds (e.g.
  bandwidth, sensing limitations)
- other attitudes, such as desire, intention, etc., under bounded
- limited awareness
- paraconsistent logics
- rational choice under bounded resources
- games under bounded resources, e.g.,
   - games with bounded recall
   - resource bounded reasoning about the structure of the game
   - incomplete information due to bounded resources

Workshop details

Authors are invited to submit a full paper either describing their
published work (which should be instructive and interesting to PhD
students working in the field and appropriate for presentation at the
Summer School), or new and unpublished work. Submissions should not
exceed 15 pages in LaTeX 11pt article style. The following formats are
accepted: pdf, ps. Please send your submission electronically to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The submissions will be reviewed by the
workshop's programme committee and additional reviewers. The accepted
papers will appear in the workshop proceedings published by ESSLLI. It
is likely that a selection of (revised and expanded) versions of the
workshop papers will appear in a special issue of a journal.

Workshop format

The workshop is part of ESSLLI and is open to all ESSLLI participants. It
will consist of five 90-minute sessions held over five consequtive days in
the second week of ESSLLI. There will be 2 slots for paper presentation and
discussion per session. On the first day the workshop organizers will give an
introduction to the topic.

Important dates

   * Submissions: March 8, 2006
   * Notification: April 21, 2006
   * Final papers for proceedings: May 1, 2006
   * Final programme: June 21, 2006
   * Workshop dates: 7- 11 August, 2006

Local arrangements

All workshop participants including the presenters will be required to
register for ESSLLI. The registration fee for authors presenting a paper
will correspond to the early student/workshop speaker registration fee.
Moreover, a number of fee waiver grants might be made available
by the organizing committee on a competitive basis and workshop participants 
are eligible to apply for those. 

There will be no reimbursement for travel costs and accomodation.
Workshop speakers who have difficulty in finding funding should contact the
local organising committee to ask for the possibilities of a grant.

Further information:

   About ESSLLI-2006: 
   About the workshop:

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