John Meacham wrote:
So, I finally decided that jhc needs real arrays, but am running into an
issue and was wondering how other compilers solve it, or if there is a
general accepted way to do so.

here is what I have so far

-- The opaque internal array type
data Array__ a

-- the array transformer quasi-monad
newtype AT a = AT (Array__ -> Array__)

seqAT__ :: AT a -> AT a -> AT a
seqAT__ (AT a1) (AT a2) = AT $ \a -> a2 (a1 a)

doneAT__ :: AT a
doneAT__ = AT id

newAT__ :: Int -> AT a -> Array__ a
newAT__ n (AT a1) = a1 (prim_newAT__ n)

writeAT__ :: Int -> a -> AT a
writeAT__ i x = AT $ \a -> prim_writeAT__ i x a

-- none of these routines have run-time checks
foreign import primitive "prim_newAT__" :: Int -> Array__
-- performs *update-in-place*
foreign import primitive "prim_writeAT__" :: Int -> a -> Array__ -> Array__
foreign import primitive "unsafeAt__" :: Array__ a -> Int -> a

-- example use
newArray :: [a] -> Array__ a
newArray xs = newAT__ (length as) $ foldr assign doneAT (zip [0..] xs) where
    assign (i,v) rs = writeAT__ i v `seqAT__` rs

now, the problem occurs in newAT__

newAT__ :: Int -> AT a -> Array__ a
newAT__ n (AT a1) = a1 (prim_newAT__ n)
                            ^ this gets floated out as a CAF.

In GHC, the primitive is this:

  newArray# :: Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutArr# s a #)

that is, it takes a state and returns a new state. In order for calls to newArray# to not be shared more than we want, we have to make sure that the state argument to newArray# is never a constant visible to the compiler. This entails, as you guessed, not inlining the definition of unsafePerformIO or runST. See comments near the definition of runST in libraries/base/GHC/ST.lhs for a description of exactly the problem you describe.

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