Hi John,


the essence what I am trying to do is to define a proxy class Foo for class Ba1 I would have thought that something as simple as the following would have worked ??

class Ba1 a where
  dosomething :: a -> IO ()

ba1 :: Ba1 a => a -> IO ()
ba1 x = dosomething x

instance Ba1 Int where
  dosomething x = print x

instance Ba1 Char where
  dosomething x = print x

what I wish to do is declare another function

If you implement the proxy function like below, it should work:

class Ba1 a => Foo a where
 proxy :: a -> IO ()
 proxy = ba1

I've made Foo a subclass of Ba1 with a member function proxy and a default implementation. I hope this will help you further..


PS Use the haskell-cafe list next time for this kind of questions.

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