Ctrl-C sends signals to the entire process-group, in which case various race 
conditions may result.  Have your experimented by killing just the child 
process with 'kill -INT <pid>'?
On Thursday, July 06, 2006, at 11:15AM, John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 04:09:43PM +0200, Udo Stenzel wrote:
>> >   1) rawSystem returns ExitSuccess
>> > 
>> > or
>> > 
>> >   2) rawSystem raises an IOError saying the child terminated with a
>> >   signal
>> > 
>> > I am totally at a loss as to explain this difference in behavior.  I
>> > would prefer it to choose option #2 always.
>> Could process #1 have caught SIGINT while process #2 didn't?  If so, GHC
>> is not at fault, because wait() doesn't tell about caught signals.
>Unlikely, I think.  Same process doing same things.
>-- John
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